

Advantages and disadvantages of flaxseed

 Friends, today we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of eating flaxseed.  It is said that no one is good for anyone. If we are eating flaxseed, then we should know about both its advantages and disadvantages. If there are advantages of anything, then its disadvantages are many.

 Anything can be beneficial for health, but it can have its disadvantages as well as benefits.  So today we will talk here about the advantages and disadvantages of eating flaxseed.

  First we talk about flaxseed

 Flexseed is small, black, light brown like small seeds.  Many nutrients are found in it.

  In today's age, due to irregular eating, many such diseases are caused to the body due to which we remain upset, due to irregular eating and eating, our immunity is dropping.  To boost immunity, it is important to include flaxseed seeds in your daily diet.  If our immunity gets boosted, then our body will be able to fight many small diseases.  The use of linseed provides relief from many types of problems, but nevertheless, medical consultation must be taken before using anything.

 1 * controls cholesterol.

 In flaxseeds omega 3 is found in considerable amounts.  Regular and correct intake of flaxseeds controls blood circulation, which reduces the chances of heart attack.  It reduces excessive cholesterol in the blood.

 2 * Help in reducing weight.

 Regular intake of flaxseed removes excess fat or fat in the body, which helps in losing weight.

 3 * Take care of the skin.

 Flaxseeds are found in significant amounts in anti-oxidants.  As a result of increasing age, there is no wrinkling on the skin and the dryness of the skin goes away.  Skin becomes tight and shiny.

 4 * Controls diabetes.

 If flaxseed is consumed in a limited quantity regularly, then the consumption of flaxseed remains in diabetes control.  Flexseed controls the level of sugar in the blood.

 5 * Relief in Arthritis.

 Consuming linseed daily and massaging linseed oil makes our body parts healthy.  Massaging linseed oil provides a lot of relief in joint pain.

 6 * Relief from cold cough.

 Consumption of flaxseed boosts our immunity, due to which we can easily fight small diseases that occur in our daily life, we get rid of fever, cold cough due to changing weather.

 7 * Relieve constipation.

 Fiber is found in plenty in flaxseed, so it can be said that flaxseed relieves constipation problem.  Fiber is very important to clean the stomach.  Therefore, the intake of flaxseed relieves constipation and our digestion also improves.

 8 * Take care of hair.

 Flexseed is very beneficial for hair.  Many problems related to hair are overcome with the use of linseed daily. Massaging the hair with flexseed oil makes hair strong and shiny.

 Flexseed is very beneficial for vegetarians as it contains abundant omega-3 which is found only in fish.  Consuming one teaspoon of flaxseed daily can keep us completely healthy, so you can either grind it with water or fry it in the same way.  Make as much powder as you want in 4 to 5 days.

 Loss of flexseed

 Friends, flexseed is a mine of virtues, but still consuming too much of anything can have many disadvantages.

 1 unsafe during pregnancy

 Flaxseed contains estrogen which is helpful in bringing period, therefore pregnant women should not consume flaxseed as it can cause periods which can be harmful for both mother and child.

 2 may also cause allergic reactions

 Eating more flaxseeds increases the chances of allergic reactions.  And if someone is already allergic then they should not consume flaxseed.

 Sometimes the intake of flaxseeds increases the complaint of abdominal pain and vomiting.

 3 loose motion

 Although the problem of constipation is overcome by the consumption of flaxseed, but if the right amount of linseed is eaten.  But if the flaxseeds are consumed in large quantity then loose motions are also caused by its use.  Apart from this, if anyone has any health problem, then without a doctor

 Linseed should not be consumed on the advice of

 thank you..
