Benefits of Giloy


Benefits of Giloy.

 Giloy is a vine that you can call the same medicine for a hundred diseases.  Hence it is named Amrit in Sanskrit.  It is said that during the churning of the sea between the gods and the demons, when the nectar came out and the drops of this nectar spilled there, Giloy originated there.  Its leaves look like betel leaves. And the plant on which it climbs does not let it die, its many benefits have also been told in Ayurveda which not only keeps you healthy but also enhances your beauty.

 Let's know the benefits of Giloy.

 * Increases immunity.

 Giloy is a vine that increases the immunity of a person and keeps him away from diseases. It contains plenty of antioxidants that work to flush out toxins from the body. It cleanses the blood.

 * Cures fever.

 If someone has frequent fever, he should take Giloy.  Giloy helps in fighting all types of fever, so dengue patients are also advised to take it.  Apart from dengue, Giloy gets rid of fever in every way.

 For patients with diabetes.

 Consumption of Giloy also provides relief in diabetes, diabetes patients should consume it daily.

 * Increases digestive power.

 Giloy helps in the process of saving food. Consumption of Giloy can prevent constipation and other stomach upset.

 * Reduces stress Giloy.

 In today's era, stress or stress has become a major problem.  It reduces mental stress, not only improves memory because of its use, but the brain also starts functioning well.  Concentration increases.  Giloy also increases eye light.

 * Also beneficial in asthma.

 Asthma patient has a lot of trouble due to change of weather, especially in winter, in which patients should drink juice, this will give them a lot of rest.

 * Beneficial in arthritis.

 Arthritis not only causes joint pain but also has difficulty in walking.  Giloy has anti-arthritic properties due to which it benefits in joint pain.

 * Anemia is also beneficial.

 Indian women are often suffering from anemia, that is, they feel weakness all the time, intake of Giloy increases the number of red blood cells in the body and gets rid of anemia.

 * Reduce abdominal fat.

 Giloy cures the metabolism of the body, reduces inflammation and increases digestive power, so we are not able to accumulate around the stomach and your weight also decreases.

 * Whitens the skin.

 Giloy has anti-aging properties that can help to remove dark spots, pimples, fine lines and freckles. If you apply it on the skin, the expressions also heal quickly.

 * Use of Giloy.

 Giloy has many benefits but it is very important to know how to use it.

 * Giloy Juice.

 Peel Giloy's stem and mix it with water and grind it well in a mixer and filter it and take it on an empty stomach in the morning.

 * Brew.

 Cut a small stick of Giloy about 4 inches long, grind it and boil it in a cup of water and filter it when half of the water is drunk. You can also add cloves, ginger basil to it for more benefits.

 * Powder.

 Although Giloy powder is available in the market, but you can also make it at home, for this, dry the Giloy stems in the sun properly and grind them in a grinder and keep the powder after drying.

 In addition, application of castor oil or castor oil mixed with Giloy provides relief in joint pain problem.  If you are constipated, eat jiggery in Giloy.

 Although there is no side effect due to regular use of Giloy but still those who have excessive sugar and pregnant women should not consume it.

 thank you..
