Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

 Chia seeds are small black grains.  It is considered a super food.  Everyone should use Chia seeds in their diet.  Because it is considered a super food, it contains abundant amounts of omega 3, fatty acids, fiber protein, antioxidants.  Most people who are health conscious include chia seeds in their diet.

 Benefits of Chia Seed.

 Chia is considered to be nutritious and healthy as well as super food.  Chia seeds are small and egg-shaped.  Their demand is more among those who want to live healthy life.  It contains calcium, iron magnesium, potassium, omega 3, fiber, etc.  If consumed in the right quantity daily, it can have many benefits.
 * For strengthening bones.

 Calcium is the most important nutrient for strengthening bones, and we all know that calcium is found in this chia seed.  So you can use chia seed to keep bones strong.

 * To reduce weight.

 Chia seeds are rich in fiber.  It is important to have fiber in your diet to lose weight, it takes a lot of time to digest the fiber, because of which your stomach is full for a long time, due to being full, eat less food, which helps in losing weight.
 * Reduce cholesterol.
 Cholesterol is a disease that has become very common.  But let us tell you that cholesterol causes many diseases.  People with high cholesterol levels are advised to include chia seeds in their diet.  Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which helps in lowering cholesterol.  Omega 3 fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol from the body and help to make the heart healthy.

 * Relieves constipation.

 All diseases in human body start from the stomach.  Keeping the stomach healthy keeps the whole body healthy. By adding Chia seeds, diet, you can get relief from constipation as it contains plenty of fiber which helps in keeping the stomach healthy.  Digestion works well by taking the right amount.

 * Beneficial for immune system.

 Chia seeds contain anti-oxidants which are beneficial for the immune system.  Consuming chia seeds daily can help prevent many external illnesses.  Many important diets are found in Chia which help to strengthen the immune system.

 * For diabetes.

 Nowadays diabetes is a common disease.  Chia is very beneficial for diabetes patients.  Because every kind of nutritious diet is found in it.

 * To strengthen bones.

 When water comes out of our body then calcium also comes out with it. To maintain the amount of calcium, chia should be consumed.  Calcium deficiency can weaken bones. Chia seeds have high calcium content which makes bones strong. Chia seeds keep bones strong due to the abundant amount of calcium.  Therefore, Chia should be consumed to overcome calcium deficiency.

 * Energy increases.

  In our day-long diet, where breakfast is most important, it gives you the strength to work throughout the day, so it is said that breakfast is definitely a must.  It is very important to have a nutritious diet in breakfast, which will help to give you energy, Chia seeds should be used in breakfast, which gives the body a lot of energy throughout the day.

 * Healthy Skin..

 Being rich in antioxidants, it keeps our skin healthy.  It also protects our skin from getting spoiled.  Along with this, it maintains moisture in the skin.

     How to use chia seeds.

 * The most common and easiest way to include chia seeds in your diet is to take chia seeds with water.  Soak a spoonful of chia seeds in a glass and drink water after 1 hour, water of seeds can be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

 * People often eat Chia Seeds as a salad too, so you do not have to work very hard for this.  Put chia seeds on top of daily salad and eat healthy salad.

 * If you consume one time puli, then you put chia seeds on top of your Dal.

 * Most people like to eat curd along with food. Put it in your yogurt to be included in the Chia Seeds Diet. This will make your yogurt healthy, you can eat it whole or by grinding.

 * You can also grind and add seeds to your soup.

     Loss of Chia Seeds.

 Although there are many benefits of Chia Seeds, but let us tell you that the best of good things can cause losses.  It depends on you how you eat that food.  Consumption of anything in excess can cause harm.

 * Consuming more of this can lead to lower blood pressure.

 * Fiber is found in excess in it, due to the high intake of fiber, it is not digested, which can cause obstruction in the digestion.

 Apart from this, take the necessary advice from the doctor before consuming it. If you are allergic to any other seeds, then you may be allergic to chia seeds.
 thank you..


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